Traces | Ania Perkowska

London Craft Week 2024

Ania Perkowska has been drawn to working in clay by its primary quality: an integral part of human civilisations for millenia, hints of our past can be found in the repeated forms and motifs of ceramics vessels throughout history. Drawing on this collective creative memory as well as her recollections of growing up amongst the stark concrete architecture of communist Poland, Ania's vessels are shaped by the knowledge that materials are deeply intertwined with personal and cultural histories.


Ania’s work finds its foundations in the surroundings of her upbringing in Poland, drawing from its rawness but seeking beauty in the simplicity of form and function. It’s an aesthetic born of opposites, where darkness meets light, rough meets smooth, and drabness conceals drama.


Find Ania Perkowska's new collection at our London Craft Week exhibition 'Traces: Imagined Histories in Clay, Silver and Thread's, 13-19 May. Learn more about the exhibition here.

16 May 2024