Traces | Ali Holloway

London Craft Week 2024

From her studio in North London, Ali Holloway uses thread as a medium to weave the city’s histories past and present into tactile textile works. The pieces in her new series 'London Stones' form part of her practice of walking-as-making, the motion of the weaver’s shuttle moving back and forth echoing the act of walking.


Using natural plant-dyed yarns, she explores how ancient Britons’ myths are intertwined in our modern shared histories in sites from Boudicca’s mythical burial place on Hampstead Heath to a mysterious ancient stone in Cannon Street. Cloth dyed with woad and madder, colours our British ancestors would have been familiar with, are woven into textured, multi-layered pieces that echo the shapes of the land – the mounds of the heath and the roughly hewn ancient stone.


Learn more about the exhibition here.

16 May 2024