Figures in Conversation

Agalis Manessi's Maiolica Figures on Display

New maiolica figures by Agalis Manessi are now on display at the CAA gallery. Japonaise, and For Odilon Redon are two charming new hand-painted ceramic figures in delicate pastel hues. These poised characters sit wonderfully amongst the ceramicist's collection of animal works and can be arranged as a group in conversation.



Drawing upon experiences of viewing subjects in churches, museums and galleries, as well as observations directly from life, Manessi’s work is inspired by portraits and animals depicted by a variety of Renaissance painters. Animated vessels express a gentle humour which is offset by the suggestive poise of their condensed forms. Modelled animals and figures take on a more enigmatic nature, communicating a silent yet eloquent message that resonates with the viewers.

18 June 2024